Agent Breakfast / A day in the life of Naoki

Hello. This is Naoki from Greenwich. I have been in Melbourne for a half year. Finally, the day I’m going home is coming soon. Now, I feel excited about it because I can meet my friends and I can eat meal that my mother makes. Also, I don’t have to pay for my rent. I don’t have to spend a lot of money on food. But, I think after I go back and I come to adjust a life in Japan, I will absolutely miss Australia, especially Melbourne. I have 2 years left before I graduate from my university. So, I want to start studying English and I want to come back to Australia with Advanced level of English after I graduate.




About a week ago, I attended a bit big event which is called Agent Breakfast. A lot of people from a lot of agencies came to our workplace from early in the morning. They had a breakfast that we had prepared as they greet each other and had a chat. But,  a purpose of coming to a Greenwich isn’t having a breakfast. They came here for watching a presentation. After they had a chat for the time being , we started a presentation. What I needed to do was to take photos so that I didn’t really focus on the content of presentation. But, as far as I saw, it was totally different from what I had seen in my university. There is a big difference ! My colleague talked about New course calmly and confidently right in front of large audience. I know how busy my colleagues are. Yet, they organised this event, prepared nice Power Point and gave a presentation. I wondered when they had a time to prepare for it ? This is great




What I was most impressed is Non-Native English speaker gave a presentation in English. She stood before those present and gave a presentation beautifully and confidently. For her, it might be easy task. But, as for me, I always feel nervous when i give a presentation in my university even in my mother tongue. What if I need to give a presentation to foreigner in English. That would be  very hard with my current English level.


Through this agent breakfast, I could measure the distance between what i am today and what i want to be in the near future. I thought it is bit hard to work like my  colleagues but, at the same time, I thought  it is possible to work like them if I make an effort. I don’t want to forget this feeling.



この記事の内容は 2019年03月14日 (木) に書かれたものです。


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学校名:Greenwich English College

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