TOP 3 things to do this Summer in New Zealand!

Hello friends from Japan!

This is Sorie from Worldwide School of English in Auckland, New Zealand.

I hope this blog post finds you well. It feels like real spring nowadays here in Auckland. We were so excited with the ALL BLACKS winning the RUGBY WORLD CUP and we can’t wait to the next WORLD CUP that will take place in JAPAN.

Today I would like to let you in on our top 3 best things to do in Auckland. Some of them are top secret, so try not to spill the beans!

①Swim in a local beach: Auckland has two big harbors and in there you can find so many beaches tucked in between. There is one specific beach called “Hamilton Beach” where all the locals gather after work for a nice swim.


②Go to the Outdoor events: Silo Park, which is just a 10 minutes walk from the city center presents outdoor movies and holds evening markets! All the locals gather after work with their chairs and cushions to grab a spot. It is a very popular event!!


③Have an outdoor BBQ: Many parks in Auckland have public BBQ’s for the locals to use. Take some food and drinks and enjoy an afternoon in nature! Cornwall Park is a great place to do this.


That is all for today. Summer is just around the corner and we can’t wait to be outside in nature. I hope you can come and visit us in Auckland!!

Until our next blog post!

See you next time 😉

この記事の内容は 2015年11月27日 (金) に書かれたものです。


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学校名:World Wide School of English

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